FCS Institution Directory
FCA Institution Number:
Abbreviated Name:
Colusa-Glenn ACA
RSSD Number:
Mr. Timothy J. Elrod
Chairman of the Board:
Ms. Susan LaGrande
Charter Information
Official Name:
Farm Credit Services of Colusa-Glenn, ACA
Charter Date:
Charter Number:
Map and Territory Description
In the State of California, all of Colusa County; and that portion of Glenn County south and west of a line beginning at a point on the Mendocino-Glenn County line that is common to sections 4 and 9, township 21 north, Range 9 west, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, thence along said section line between sections 4 and 9 and continuing east on a projection of said section line to the northwest corner of section 8, township 21 north, Range 2 west, MDB&M, thence south along the west line of sections 8, 17, 20, 29, and 32, township 21 north, Range 2 west, MDB&M, and continuing south along the west line of sections 5, 8, and 17, township 20 north, Range 2 west, MDB&M, to the southwest corner of section 17, township 20 north, Range 2 west, MDB&M, thence east along the east and west center line of the said township 20 north, Range 2 west, MDB&M, being the approximate present location of the Jacinto Road, to the west bank of the Sacramento River, thence south along the west bank of the Sacramento River to the Butte City-Oroville Highway, thence east along the highway to the northeast corner of section 33, township 19 north, Range 1 west, MDB&M, thence south along the east line of section 33 and continuing along the east line of Sections 4 and 9, township 18 north, Range 1 west, MDB&M, being the approximate present location of the Afton Road, thence east along the south line of sections 10, 11, and 12, township 18 north, Range 1 west, MDB&M, and of sections 7 and 8, township 18 north, Range 1 east, MDB&M, being the approximate present location of the Biggs-Princeton Road, to the Glenn-Butte County line.