FCS Institution Directory
FCA Institution Number:
Abbreviated Name:
AgWest, ACA
RSSD Number:
Mr. Bill Perry
Chairman of the Board:
Mr. Douglas C. Filipponi
Charter Information
Official Name:
AgWest Farm Credit, ACA
Charter Date:
Charter Number:
Map and Territory Description
The states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. In the state of California, the counties of El Dorado, Imperial, Inyo, Kern, Kings, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Solano, Sutter, Tulare, Ventura, Yolo, Yuba, that portion of Butte County consisting of Townships (Twps.) 17N - 1E, 17N - 2E, 17N - 3E, 17N - 4E, and 17N - 5E, and the south halves of Twps. 18N - 1E, 18N - 2E, 18N - 3E, 18N - 4E, and 18N - 5E, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian, and that portion of Los Angeles County lying north of the north line of Township 3 North, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, that portion of Siskiyou County east of the summit of the Coast Range and that portion of Modoc County beginning at the northwest corner of Modoc County, thence south along the Modoc-Siskiyou County line to the southwest corner of Twp. 45N-5E, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian; thence east along the line of division between Twps, 44N And 45N, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian to the east line of Range 11E, thence north on the dividing line between Ranges 11E and 12E to the California-Oregon state line; thence west on said state line to the point of beginning. In the state of North Dakota, that part of McKenzie County lying between the Yellowstone River and the Montana-North Dakota state line and that part of Williams County lying south of Federal Highway No. 2 and west of Federal Highway No. 85, and westerly and northerly of the north bank of the Missouri River (known as the Buford-Trenton Irrigation Project); in the state of Nevada, the Counties of Esmeralda, those portions of Mineral and Nye Counties south of the first Standard Parallel North, and that portion of Clark County west of the crest of the Spring Mountain Range (commonly referred to as the Pahrump Valley); and all of the state of Arizona, except for those portions of Mohave and Coconino Counties north of the Colorado River known as the "Arizona Strip."